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10 kommenttia aiheesta “LÄHDE”

  1. Kaikista ehdokkaista suosikkini, sillä se on jännittävin, taiteellisesti kunnianhimoisin, eikä katkaise pihaa.

  2. Itse jotenkin toivon, ettei mikään näistä finalistien ehdotuksista toteudu. Oli paljon parempia ehdotuksia joukossa kylläkin.

  3. Not bad at all. A very promising proposal, compact and resourceful but with a sympathetic and playful approach. The cave-like approach seems appropriate even if it is reminiscent of the Jewish Museum in Warsaw and even has some echoes of the new Amos Rex gallery. The number and distribution of the roof light bubbles needs further study, but I don‘t think that this will kill the idea, on the contrary, it can only get better. It might be also worth exploring utilising the new water feature as a potential route for bringing some daylight into the public areas of the extension although I guess this feature will be covered over or the pool emptied for winter. Anyway at this stage it‘s better to have many ideas than too few. I await with interest how the authors will react to the jury‘s comments; hopefully they are professional enough not to over react. Good luck!

  4. Ainoa finalisteista joka ei tärvele museon puistoa kertakäyttöarkkitehtuurilla.

  5. Tämä on mielenkiintoinen työ ja kuuluu ehkä kolmen parhaan sakkiin. En tiedä voittaako tällaisella, mutta sitä ei tiedä miten paljon tämä paranee loppua kohden.

    Esitystekniikka on hyvää laatua, mutta jotkut valkoiset alueet heijastavat liikaa valoa ja ne menevät ns. ”puhki” ja ovat kuin ylivaloitettuja valokuvia. Vain pieni tummennus riittäisi poistamaan tämän hieman häiritsevän vaikutelman. Muuten esitystekniikka on aika hyvää ja on piristävää nähdä tällainen korostetun mustavalkoinen kilpailuasiakirja.

    Jälleen pohjaratkaisut ovat selkeitä ja yksinkertaisia ja tilaohjelman ja ehdotetun tilan väliset erot eivät ole huimia.

    Esityksen veistokselliset ikäänkuin lasista tehdyt kuplat ovat hienoja, jotka haluaisin nähdä myös todellisuudessa ehkä lasista toteutettuina moderneina veistoksina. Sisätilojen massoittelu on mielenkiintoista ja muodoiltaan ehkä haastavia toteuttaa, mutta tämähän on vasta alussa tämäkin projekti.

  6. I think this is the most artistic proposal, with its curves and bubbles, that remind me of one famous female architect. It is one of my favorites (with Lasi Vene and X414A) and I hope it goes to the second stage.
    I have some technical concerns. The new building above the ground is too small to receive a large group (600-1000) of people within a short time – queueing is the great trouble of many museums and you don’t want to be left out in the rain while waiting. The large plate glass of towers may need some structural support. The technical space may be too narrow to provide the required area of 400 sqm.
    The large undercutting of the existing building, similar to the proposal by Ruusuvuoren and many other competition entries, may be problematic (see Liite C3). The program sets the excavation limit as the level +0.0 while this proposal shows the finished level of the bottom floor at +0.0, so that the bottom floor itself and the foundations (including the elevator pits) are below +0.0. Please correct me if I misunderstood something.

  7. This project is confusing…imagine a large group trying to make its way to the door, it is not clear which way to go.

  8. I think this is the most artistic proposal, with its curves and bubbles, that remind me of one famous female architect. It is one of my favorites (with Lasi Vene and X414A) and I hope it goes to the second stage. I suppose that the authors wear the black clothes.
    I have some technical concerns. The new building above the ground is too small to receive a large group (600-1000) of people within a short time – queueing is the great trouble of many museums and you don’t want to be left out in the rain while waiting. The large plate glass of towers may need some structural support. The technical space may be too narrow to provide the required area of 400 sqm.
    The large undercutting of the existing building, similar to the proposal by Ruusuvuoren and many other competition entries, may be problematic (see Liite C3). The program sets the excavation limit as the level +0.0 while this proposal shows the finished level of the bottom floor at +0.0, so that the bottom floor itself and the foundations (including the elevator pits) are below +0.0. Please correct me if I misunderstood something.